The Wisdom Letters w/ John Obidi
Wisdom for Navigating the Modern World.
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In one of his journals, King Solomon wrote thus:
There was once a small city with only a few people in it.
And a powerful king came against it, surrounded it and built huge siege works against it.
Now there lived in that city a man poor but wise, and he saved the city by his wisdom.
But nobody remembered that poor man.
Learn from the poor wise man, from his mistakes, I mean.
Emulate his wisdom, but discard the habits that led to his poverty and powerlessness.
The poor wise man is good at his craft, but lacks the confidence and skill required to be rewarded for it.
The poor wise man is able to mentally connect the dots, but is an imprudent distributor of his valuable time and energy.
You are the one they call to pick your brain over lunch, not because you’re their 1st choice per se… but because they know that due to your low self esteem, you’re the only one who will agree to do it for free.
Heck, they probably see the lunch as your payment as they are not even following up with ‘So how can we help you too?’
As you use this isolation period to go deep on specialized skill, please acquire the knowledge required to be rewarded handsomely for your skill.
Pertaining this matter, these books have proven helpful in my journey and I know they will help you too:
There is nothing pious about poverty.
You can be wise and rich, but you must be organized to connect those dots.
There’s still time to make the rest of your life, the best of your life.
Jisie ike.
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